Contact Me

If you want to contact me, there are several ways—choose the most convenient for you.

(425) 455-3900  (office)
@TomLofton  (twitter)
Tom Lofton (LinkedIn)

11225 S.E. 6th Street

Suite 100

Bellevue, WA  98004

If you want to share a thought or idea, ask a question, or simply give me input on a story you think would be helpful to others, please provide the following information, and I will get right back to you…Thank you!!!

Which Phone Number is the one listed above?
Preferred Way(s) to contact you (Please check all the way(s) you would like me to try and contact you...feel free to select more than one)
Please let me know how I can be of help to you or what questions you have...thank you.
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