Do you know your Personal level of RISK? There are tens of thousands of claims made and lawsuits filed, perhaps millions, each year. You can lose all you own in a single lawsuit if you gamble and lose the lawsuit lottery…
Most people don’t really know how much risk they face… so we created a tool to help you easily determine your level of risk from the privacy of your own home. Completing your own PERSONAL RISK PROFILE (PRP) take just a few minutes and is free. Your score will give you a better idea of your level of exposure so you can plan to reduce your risk.
Here are the FOUR CATEGORIES of questions…organized by color…with a series of questions. Answer by completing the form or by circling the response that best identifies how you “feel” about your own situation.
Let’s get started…
[gravityform id=”1″ title=”true” description=”true”]When you click SUBMIT, a copy of your Personal Risk Profile results will be sent directly to me. I will review these and give you back some of my insights, thoughts, and direction for what I would recommend you do next. This will be a more detailed analysis for you to review and help you decide what actions need to be taken and by when. You can take these to your attorney or schedule a meeting with me if you want to review them in more detail…the choice is always yours. Thank you for taking the time to better understand your current Risk Profile.