Personal Risk Profile

Personal risk assessment for individuals and familiesDo you know your Personal level of RISK?  There are tens of thousands of claims made and lawsuits filed, perhaps millions, each year.  You can lose all you own in a single lawsuit if you gamble and lose the lawsuit lottery…

  • Both the activities you do and the kind of assets you own can create risk.
    • Do you engage in activities that create risk?
    • Do you own assets that create risk?
  • How exposed are your assets to a lawsuit or creditor claim?

Most people don’t really know how much risk they face… so we created a tool to help you easily determine your level of risk from the privacy of your own home.  Completing your own PERSONAL RISK PROFILE (PRP) take just a few minutes and is free.  Your score will give you a better idea of your level of exposure  so you can plan to reduce your risk.

Here are the FOUR CATEGORIES of questions…organized by color…with a series of questions.  Answer by completing the form or by circling the response that best identifies how you “feel” about your own situation.

  1. Are your assets protected against creditors and predators?
  2. Are your income taxes higher than necessary?
  3. Do you have the right insurance coverage with optimal premiums and deductions?
  4. Will the right things happen if you retire, become incapacitated, or you die?

Let’s get started…

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When you click SUBMIT, a copy of your Personal Risk Profile results will be sent directly to me. I will review these and give you back some of my insights, thoughts, and direction for what I would recommend you do next. This will be a more detailed analysis for you to review and help you decide what actions need to be taken and by when. You can take these to your attorney or schedule a meeting with me if you want to review them in more detail…the choice is always yours. Thank you for taking the time to better understand your current Risk Profile.