


​My ​Blog

​What I have learned over the past few decades of practicing law is that the law is a wonderful tool for achieving goals.  We all want to be able to say we “finished well,” and that we left the world a better place. 

​I want my blog to help me impart what I have learned and to help you navigate the nuances of our legal system for your own benefit.  I want to do my utmost to ensure you have managed the risks in your life so you can feel safe and ​have peace of mind. 

​My overarching passion is ​for my clients to have NO. MORE. TEARS.

Feel free to join in and let me know your thoughts.  I look forward to the journey with you!

Have a Question? Just Ask...

If you have a question, JUST ASK! I am more than happy to provide you with some insights and direction of how you should proceed. AND THERE WILL NOT BE A CHARGE OR FEE (EVER) for giving you some immediate feedback on your question(s). 

This is just my way of helping anyone learn more about the particular situation they may be facing.

Most of the time, people just need some “guidance” on which way to proceed. So if you have one, please ask and I will get back to you just as soon as I possibly can.

​Just ask your question and let me see if I can put your mind at ease and give you more peace of mind....and hopefully help you have No.More.Tears.

Personal Risk Profile

RISK is a part of life…​knowing your "Level of Risk" is critical.


​Now you identify your own PERSONAL RISK PROFILE in the privacy of your home​...and it only takes about 10 minutes. 

Try will instantly have a better understanding of your areas of risk ​ in your life. Click ​START ASSESSMENT below…you might just be surprised by the results!


10 Questions Everyone Should Ask themselves At Least Once a Year

​Almost everyone has some kind of "change" or "event" that happens in their life during the course of a year...which are usually fun and exciting. 


​Making sure you have these changes factored into your Estate Plan is critically important to ensure ​the wishes you have for your loved ones happen the way you want.

​Learn the 10 QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK ANNUALLY to make sure this happens for you and your family.

​My Most Recent Blogging

​Click "Read More" to read the full post

The Power of a Living Trust: Top 3 Reasons Why You Need One
It is a major mistake to not have any legal instrument in place organizing what will happen to your estate[...]
Your (COVID-19) “LEGAL” Checklist
I want you to know that I personally (and the Oseran Hahn law firm), share the concerns of every individual,[...]
9 Top Questions (and Answers) on the SECURE Act
If you are at or nearing retirement age or planning for retirement, there is some BIG NEWS that everyone needs[...]
3 Reasons Why You Want to Take Social Security at 62
There is always a lot of discussion about when someone should start taking their Social Security payments. And often times[...]
The “ESSENTIAL” Send Off Packet for ALL College Students (and Adult Children)
Your kids are either coming home for the holidays or possibly even getting ready to start college after the first[...]
Why You Would Want a 529 Plan for You and Your Kids
The buzz has been out there now for a little while but there is still a lot of confusion about[...]

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