As a parent, you may have felt like you lost control of your “adult” children long ago…but according to the law, you lost control when they turned 18! Well, maybe not complete control, but at least control over certain medical and financial situations. When your child turns 18 years of age, at least in the eyes of the law, you no longer have certain inherent rights related to medical and financial details about your adult child. For this reason, I strongly advise every parent to get three simple legal documents in place to ensure you’re able to intervene on behalf of your adult child in the event your child is injured, becomes ill, or is otherwise incapacitated.
Some situations you don’t want to think about…but you should
Here are just a few scenarios that aren’t easy to think about, but unfortunately happen to parents (and their children). And when they do, the child’s parents are not able to do what they want to help their children…this can be an incredibly frightening and traumatizing situation. For example…
In each scenario, when you find out that your adult child is in the hospital, you immediately call for details about your child’s condition. You are horrified when the nurse says, “I’m sorry, but I am not authorized to provide you with any information or allow you to make any decisions.” This is because they haven’t added you to any medical documents that say the medical staff is able to “legally” speak with you. While this sounds like it can’t really be happening, according to the law, this is what the medical teams have to comply with.
Allow me to share with you some insights about the three legal documents that every parent should have in place on behalf of your adult child before another day goes by.
HIPAA Authorization Form
(for Authority to Speak with Healthcare Providers)
HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, exists for good reason; it is a federal law that safeguards who can access an adult’s private health data. If you call or visit the hospital to inquire about your adult child, as in the above scenarios, healthcare providers are prohibited by law from revealing health information to you – or anybody else – about your child; healthcare practitioners could face severe penalties if they violate HIPAA laws.
This illustrates why a HIPAA authorization, signed by your adult child and naming you as an authorized recipient, is so critical. It gives you the ability to ask for and receive information from healthcare providers about your child’s health status, progress, and treatment. This is particularly important in the event your adult child is unconscious or incapacitated for a period of time. Without a HIPAA authorization in place, the only other way to obtain information regarding your child’s health would be to go to court.
General Durable Power of Attorney
(for Financial Decisions)
If your adult child were ever incapacitated, you would also benefit greatly from having a General Durable Power of Attorney in place, where you were named as the “agent” authorized to make financial decisions on his/her behalf. This would allow you as the named agent to manage bank accounts, pay bills, sign tax returns, apply for government benefits, break or apply for a lease, and conduct similar activities relating to your child’s financial and legal affairs. Otherwise, you will not be able to assist your child in managing his or her financial affairs without a court-appointed conservatorship.
Healthcare Power of Attorney
(for Medical Decisions)
If your adult child signs a Healthcare Power of Attorney naming you his/her “medical agent,” you will have the ability to view your child’s medical records and make informed medical decisions on his/her behalf. Without this document or a court-appointed guardianship, healthcare decisions concerning your child’s diagnosis and treatment will be solely in the hands of healthcare providers. While this is not always a bad thing, a physician’s primary duty is to keep the patient alive. So, a healthcare provider might not pursue a risky or experimental course of treatment at the risk of exposure to liability.
Keep in mind that doctors prefer to see one medical agent named rather than multiple medical agents. The concern is that multiple medical agents may not agree on the medical course of action to take on behalf of the incapacitated adult. As a best practice, it’s prudent to name multiple agents in priority order with single authority; for example, the adult child’s mother might be listed first as the medical agent; if the mother is unable or unwilling to serve in that capacity, the second person listed—say the child’s father—would be empowered to step in.
Important Considerations
There are some important considerations to keep in mind regarding these documents:
Update these forms yearly. Be prepared to have your adult child re-sign and re-execute these documents every couple of years. This is especially critical for Powers of Attorney. The institutions where you would be most likely to use these documents – such as hospitals and banks – might refuse to honor them if they perceive them to be outdated.
These documents are only as good as the institutions that will accept them. Making sure these documents are properly executed is half the battle; whether they will be accepted by the involved institutions is the other half of the battle—one you don’t have complete control over.
These documents can be revoked at any time by your adult child either orally or in writing. Your adult child retains control of the ongoing validity of these documents; therefore, your best bet is to maintain a trusting relationship with your child so he/she sees the benefit of giving you the access and control these documents afford.
What to do next...
There three documents should have been in place "yesterday" so your adult children have a way for you to be there for them and be their advocate. If they aren't, I recommend you make this a top priority to make sure they are protected in case something happens.
If you don't have these in place, my recommendation is to get your attorney to put these together ASAP. If you don’t have one you feel would understand this for your situation, feel free to ASK ME YOUR QUESTION or CONTACT ME and I can give you some insight and assistance to get this done right away. I hope this has been helpful. If you do the proper work on this, I can guarantee you will have NO. MORE. TEARS. A little bit of effort here can help you sleep much better at night knowing you can still be involved if something happens to your (adult) children.