I’m often asked the question, “What are the options for a baby boomer with aging parents?” I was pleased to see this posting by my fellow Wealth Counsel member Suzann Beckett practicing in West Hartford, CT offers one answer for the many baby boomers facing aging parents wishing to remain in their homes but lacking the financial means.
The New York Times recently ran an outstanding article, detailing the basics of Pooled Trusts. Most American’s are not familiar with the term, or the tool – but thanks to the Times, a much larger audience had the opportunity to read about a means of caring for aging family members, while intelligently keeping the wolf away from the door.
The unfortunate reality for many of us is that a time may come when we can no longer manage to personally provide appropriate care for a loved one in our own home, or in their own home for that matter. But at the same time, we may not have the financial capacity to afford private care providers that would be able to fill the gap.
Pooled Trusts are designed to bridge that void.
Rather than reiterate the content of a well written and very informative piece, I will simply recommend that anyone with an elderly family member read this piece, if for no other reason than to gain some basic insight into an option that may be available and viable, in certain circumstances.
You can find the story on the Internet at: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/05/business/businessspecial5/05TRUST.html?_r=3&adxnnl=1&src=twrhp&adxnnlx=1289307765-CdcouVKW+F0EwVbdadQHMQ
As a woman who has faced these issues in my personal life, with my own family members, I am intimately aware of the emotional and financial drain that advancing age and health issues can impose on a family. In order to deal with these issues to the best of our ability, we need to be aware of our options, and informed regarding the pros and cons of each of those options. This story is a good step in the right direction on that count.
I am so pleased the New York Times published Tara Siegel Bernard’s excellent article on this very important topic.
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