Category Archives for Tax

4 Social Security Slips You Should Avoid

Social Security provides valuable benefits, and it’s important not to waste the opportunity to get them. However, given just how complex it is to evaluate your Social Security benefits, it’s not surprising that some people make mistakes

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Why So Many Pastors Don’t have an Estate Plan

Passport? Check. Airline ticket? Check. Hotel reservation? Check. After careful planning, you’re ready for vacation! However, have you taken more time preparing for a vacation than your estate plan

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There are Certain Financial Areas that need to be Taken Care of Before the End of the Year

New Year’s Eve is far away. However, it’s never too early to organize your finances for the end of the year. Do it while there’s still plenty of time to increase your retirement nest egg, lower your taxable income and avoid tax penalties

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Why You Need a Last Will and Testament

Earlier this month, news outlets reported that Aretha Franklin, a Memphis native, died without a will. That fact seems important, but what good does a will actually serve

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Are You and Your Retirement Investments Prepared for “Market Correction?”

The older the current bull market gets, the more stories you’re likely to read about how this is an awful time to retire

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Can You Still Participate in Philanthropy During Your Retirement Years?

Spending generally declines during retirement for most budget items, but charitable giving tends to buck this trend

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Prepare to Live a Long Life and Enjoy Every Bit of It!

A long life is a great gift, but with the joys come some financial and legal challenges. The earlier you act to address them, the better off you and your heirs will be.

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Roth IRA Conversions Don’t Work for Everyone

Switching your traditional individual retirement account to a Roth IRA is often a terrific tax strategy—except when it’s a terrible one.

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There are MANY Reasons Everyone Needs to do Estate Planning

Don’t have an up-to-date estate plan? You’re not alone. More than 70% of Americans don’t, including more than half of all baby boomers. That’s why we’re sharing our best tips for creating one.

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Farm Family Succession Gets Help from Local Extension Office

As the average age of Nebraska’s farm and ranch operators trends older, it’s important for those operators to have a plan to pass on the family operation.

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