Category Archives for Singles

Expect the Unexpected and Planning is the Cure for the Unexpected

Charlotte Fox mountaineer

Charlotte Fox was one of the most adventurous women I have heard about. She was a serious mountain climber…acclaimed for reaching the summit of many of the world’s tallest mountains. She was the first American woman to climb three peaks above 8,000 meters, including Mount Everest in 1996. That climb will forever live in infamy […]

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How does “effective” Estate Planning really work?

There seems to be a lot of confusion about not just how Estate Planning works but why it works so well…when created the right way. Let me try to clear up some of the confusion for you with a live story about a couple that might have some similar issues to your own situation. It […]

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It’s “WHY” and “HOW”…Not the “WHO” and “WHAT” that Matters

Someone asked me the other day when I was giving a speech to tell them exactly what “Estate Planning” really means. Seems like an easy answer for me, but not so much for everyone else. So I turned the question back on the audience and asked them what Estate Planning meant to them. Surprisingly, or […]

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Top 10 Icebreakers offer guide for blogging

Being an attorney from my perspective goes way beyond the law and documents…it’s connecting with you and everyone else I get the pleasure to meet. For many attorneys, this is kind of a pain and a “necessary evil” as I talk with others around the country. To me, it is the BEST PART of what […]

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