Meet one of my fellow Wealth Counsel attorneys, Suzann Beckett. Suzann is a colleague who practices in Connecticut, and she recently posted to her blog this reminder of ethics guidelines as they apply to sharing confidential information. Perhaps one of the least talked about aspects of working with a lawyer is the fear some of […]
Continue readingOne of my colleagues and a member of Wealth Counsel shared a great article and story with me the other day and it was so relevant to many of the estate planning issues my own clients face I wanted to share this with all of you. Here is his story. “Americans just do not like […]
Continue readingA legal colleague of mine, wrote an interesting blog post about the use of compared with the services of an attorney, like me, and I thought you might find his perspective interesting. Shocked to hear an attorney utter such sacrilege? I recently had an opportunity to check out some LegalZoom documents. One of my […]
Continue readingI wanted to share a story with you that a good friend of mine Clay Loges, Co-founder and Principal of WOM10, recently shared with me about one of his clients. It was very applicable to what I see all the time. “I had the incredible opportunity to attend my aunt’s birthday party and take this photo. […]
Continue readingAfter my meeting last week with Bill and Sally, their situation was so similar to that of many of my clients I thought I would share it and help you see that it isn’t that hard to “eat the elephant.” Aah, it is the age old conundrum. How to eat an elephant? It is a […]
Continue readingI am a longtime member of Wealth Counsel and they did a great job on completing this survey and I felt it was so relevant for my clients I wanted share it with you. One of the benefits of being a Wealth Counsel member is that I get access to great information like this. I […]
Continue readingOne of the largest and most respected attorney organizations in the country is called WealthCounsel. They just released their Third Annual Survey of Industry Trends and there were some “Ah-ha’s” and interesting results that I thought you might be interested in hearing about. Since this group is exclusively used “by attorneys” and “for attorneys” it […]
Continue readingI met with Frank and Joy the other day and they described a problem that is not only very common but more and more of my clients are wrestling with the same issue. So I thought I would share their story. Grandma is a feisty, spirited personality who has been living in her same home […]
Continue readingWhen the Yellow Pages first came out it was really great an innovative – and really the only place that was easy to go to find something you needed. And we usually made our purchases based off the size of the ad the business had placed. Why? We figured if they could dump a ton […]
Continue readingI was in a meeting the other day with some clients and they asked me a very interesting question, “What should I tell my friend that is looking for an attorney and trying to decide between a smaller law firm and one of the larger, multi-state firms?” Good question and one that always makes you […]
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